Off course we did not win, how could we when it had already been decided that anyone except LSR should win!! I knew people from Miranda had an inferiority complex from LSR people, but they would go to this extent I could never believe it unless I faced it myself. If you are a fresher like me and love participating in extra curricular activities then take my advice don’t ever go to Miranda for any competition as you will certainly loose it if they hold grudges against your college.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Miranda College cheats during Tarikh 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Miranda College cheats during Tarikh 2009
Off course we did not win, how could we when it had already been decided that anyone except LSR should win!! I knew people from Miranda had an inferiority complex from LSR people, but they would go to this extent I could never believe it unless I faced it myself. If you are a fresher like me and love participating in extra curricular activities then take my advice don’t ever go to Miranda for any competition as you will certainly loose it if they hold grudges against your college.
hi, i just came to visit your new post.